Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Nov ATC done under the wire

Hi all - my November BJP is done. This Artist Trading Card represents the Fall in November. Check it out!

For all of you who don't have smart phones yet... get one. They are totally awesome. I got an iPhone and am able to get rid of my Day-Timer calendar, lists of various stuff I carry around with me, all those store reward cards (which are now scanned into a free app called Key Chain) and most amazing is I have the Square - a free credit card reader and app (you only pay when you use it - no set up or montly fees). See SquareUp.com for details. I even carry this around with me in case someone buys something off my neck (LOL)! Then it has a flashlight app that can pulse out an SOS (hope I'll never need it). Tons of games when you get bored. I listen to books on tape while I bead. Oh, and the phone feels great in your hand and can be cradled between your shoulder and ear. Can't say enough how much I love this thing. Can you tell?????

Have a great day.