Friday, February 11, 2011

January's The Panama Goddess

So, I finally finished my first BJP for 2011. I decided to do goddess dolls pins as my shape. We've been away for a few weeks, visiting in Panama, and I worked on her only a little bit while we were gone. Here's the link to my web site where you can see January's The Panama Goddess. Well, something's wrong with my site, so here she is:

My sister, Karen L. Cohen, also a BJP member, came for a visit. She had previously given me some fabric she had dyed, so I used that fabric as the basis for my doll. The colors are among my favorites used together, green, purple, and turquoise. I used a lot of flower beads, as it is so lush in Panama and everything grows beautifully. Hopefully, by the time my February goddess is completed, my site will be fine.